Road trip to Great Barrington to a monument and a landmark

Last Sunday, feeling the need for a girls day, a friend and I drove over to Massachusetts to do a little holiday weekend shopping at a favorite dispensary and take a hike. Although the weather was not quite what had been promised, we still had a great afternoon and I can finally say that I’ve … Continue reading Road trip to Great Barrington to a monument and a landmark

$600 hair appliances and other current obsessions

Remember that weekend trip to Las Vegas a couple of months ago? The one where we economized by staying with friends rather than renting an airbnb or getting a hotel? Well, turns out that our lovely and free nights being hosted ending up costing me an unexpected $600+. How did that happen? Our gracious hosts … Continue reading $600 hair appliances and other current obsessions

Easter Weekend in the Black Forest with a Roman, a couple of Spaniards and a mess of Germans

Although I may have the felt the absence of my uncle each day I was in Germany, I was at no loss for companionship. My steady travel companion of recent years, N, was beside me for all of the trip, early morning walks notwithstanding. In addition to his company, the timing of our trip proved … Continue reading Easter Weekend in the Black Forest with a Roman, a couple of Spaniards and a mess of Germans

Finding Wolfgang

These last few days in the Black Forest have been filled with both emotion and memories. This is the first time I’ve come to this part of Germany, the area where my family comes from, since being here 7 years ago with my youngest son and my Uncle Wolfgang. Walking the stone streets of Freiburg … Continue reading Finding Wolfgang